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Mold - Remediation & Removal
Mold - Testing or Inspection
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- Radon Gas - Mitigation & Containment
- Radon Gas - Testing or Inspection
- Toxic Lead - Abatement
- Toxic Lead - Testing or Inspection
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Find a mold contractor. Receive free price quotes and cost estimates. Use our free matching service to find a local mold contractor. Whether you need a mold inspection or help repairing mold damage, we can help you find the right professional for the job. Mold specialists in our network will provide you price quotes and cost estimates for a variety of services, including:

Mold inspection and testing. If you suspect that there is mold growing in your home or business, you may need to hire a mold inspection service. Mold growth only requires moisture. It can be found in and on carpeting, drywall, insulation, tile, and other building materials. A mold testing company can help you determine if there is a mold problem. If there is a problem, the mold inspector can help you discover the source of the problem. Find local mold testing services.

Mold removal and remediation services. Mold can be found in many rooms of your home, including attics, basements, laundry rooms, and bathrooms. If mold is not removed properly, it can cause a number of different health issues. A mold removal contractor can help you clean up mold and repair water damage. Find mold remediation contractors near you.

How much does a mold inspection cost? On average, you can expect to spend about $375 to $425 on a residential mold inspection. This estimated price includes time and materials needed to inspect a two-story home (no more than 2,000 square feet). Commercial mold inspections typically cost more. Interested in getting quotes for your project? Get mold testing price quotes.

How much does mold remediation cost? The cost of mold remediation will depend on the extent of the damage and the materials needed to make the repairs. Additionally, your geographic location may have an impact on the cost of labor. Use our free matching service to get free price quotes from local mold removal services near you. Request estimates from mold removal companies.

Note to users. Our website helps match consumers to local contractors, businesses, services, and installers. We are a convenience service no different from using the yellow pages. It is your responsibility to review the credentials of anyone you hire. We recommend that you speak with references and check the licenses of the person or company you hire. Any agreement or contract that you sign with a contractor, professional, service, installers, or the like, is strictly between you and the professional you choose to hire. By using our website, you agree to release VentureStreet, LLC (and our managers, employees, and agents) from any and all claims, damages, disputes, or disagreements that result from the person or company you hire.

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